

  TABLE TENNIS - THE BASIC RULES The goal of the game is to hit the ball over your opponent's net.   If your opponent cannot return the ball to your table, you win a point.   They miss the ball, hit the ball but it hits the net, or they hit it before it bounces on their table. Scoring A game is won by the player who scores between 10 and 11 points.   The game must have a minimum gap of two points between the opponents at the end. If the score is 10-10, then the game will be extended until one of the players has gained 2 points.   No matter who served, the point goes to the player who ends a rally successfully. You can have as many games as you want in a match, but you must agree to this beforehand! Singles Exceptionally during extra play, when the ball changes every time it switches to the opponent, a player must serve two times before the ball switches to them.   There are many ways to determine who is the first to serve at the beginning of the game. We'll let you decide.   In